HPC Cluster Job Scheduler

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Submitting Your First HPC Job

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Anatomy of a SLURM Sbatch Submit Script

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#SBATCH --workdir=./                     # Set the working directory
#SBATCH --mail-user=nobody@tcnj.edu      # Who to send emails to
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL                  # Send emails on start, end and failure
#SBATCH --job-name=pi_dart               # Name to show in the job queue
#SBATCH --output=job.%j.out              # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
#SBATCH --ntasks=4                       # Total number of mpi tasks requested
#SBATCH --nodes=1                        # Total number of nodes requested
#SBATCH --partition=test  		 # Partition (a.k.a. queue) to use

# Disable selecting Infiniband
export OMPI_MCA_btl=self,tcp

# Run MPI program
echo "Starting on "`date`
mpirun pi_dartboard
echo "Finished on "`date`

Advanced Submit Script Options

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Example Submit Scripts

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ELSA Job Partitions/Queues

Parition/Queue Name Max Time Limit Resource Type
short 6 hours CPU
normal 24 hours CPU
long 7 days CPU
nolimit* none CPU
shortgpu 6 hours GPU
gpu 7 days GPU

* - Use of the nolimit partition is restricted to approved cluster users. Faculty may request access for themselves and students by emailing ssivy@tcnj.edu.